Today's question comesfrom vicki2810. Vicki asks, I've used Bloggerfor three years, but now everyone tells me that WordPressis superior for SEO. After scouring many sites, I'vebeen unable to find the SEO advantages tousing Blogger-- are there any? Great question-- comparing and contrasting. I work for a company thatprovides Blogger. On my personal blog,I use WordPress. So I can see the advantageson both sides. On one hand, Blogger is verysimple to get started
. It's very easy, andit's in the cloud. You don't need to download andinstall any software yourself. And for better or for worse,if you install software yourself, you're usually notpatching it, so it's easier to get hacked. So if you just want to do casualblogging, if you're just starting out, Bloggeris fantastic. WordPress has a lotof flexibility. You can customize everything. In particular, you can say-- I want my post to be having thisspecific URL, and you can choose those words. At least back in the day withBlogger, when you wrote your post, whatever you wrote woulddetermine what the URL would be, and you didn't have theability to individually control that
. So they both havepros and cons. Both can work very well interms of ranking well for search engines. If you get good links and if youhave great content, it's absolutely the case that you canrank well on both Blogger and on WordPress. Blogger is probably a littlesimpler to start out, and it's good in the fact that, sinceit's in the cloud, you don't need to worry aboutgetting hacked. WordPress is maybe a little moreeffort, because you can configure it yourself. But ultimately, it gives youmore flexibility and maybe a little bit more power. So there's a lot of goodpros and cons. Whichever one you feel mostcomfortable with, I would give it a try. And if one has a better userexperience, or you just feel like one meshes with the waythat you like to write a little bit better, that's theone that I'd go with. And then eventually overtime, you can always-- I think both have wayswhere you can import and export your posts. So it's not like you'renecessarily locked in forever. But definitely try them bothout, because both can work very well in terms of SEO.