Does Amazon affiliate marketing work? Iam going to answer that question in this video. And I'm going to show you what doeswork. And I'll be showing you a few examples of products you can sell andmake insane Commission's using Amazon affiliate marketing. Let's get it. Amazonaffiliate marketing it's the biggest affiliate network out there.
It's alsoone of the ones that offers the lowest commissions. Now, I personally advisepeople get started with affiliate marketing on Amazon just to understandhow it works. But you might be wondering, "Does it actually work to make you a lotof money?" Most cases, no. Okay? And I'm going to go over what does not work inAmazon affiliate marketing. But it does work and there are people earningfull-time substantial millions of dollars a year income from Amazon andI'll explain you what that is. I'll also be showing you some examples on mycomputer of what you can do to make Amazon work. So first of all, what doesn'twork? Selling books, you're going to make most products on Amazon.
You earn 3to 5 percent commission on, okay? That's not a lot of money. You're notgonna be a millionaire selling books and earning 30 to 50 cents on. So, no categorygoes books, okay? Almost everything under a thousanddollars actually is not a good choice for selling as an affiliate on Amazon. So,what does work? Well, basically anything over a thousand dollars. And I'll beshowing you examples of these here. So, things that work over a thousand dollarsor things such as cameras, drones, VR gear, virtual reality gear. Generators, high-endvacuum cleaners and all sorts of other very expensive products that you can'treally find in any other affiliate network. Now, let's go in my computer andI'll show you some examples of the products that you can sell on Amazon asan affiliate and make a lot of money. Okay, so here I am on Amazon.And if we search for stuff like Nikon camera, right? We'll see there's all sortsof products here. It's 649 dollars. That means if you earn even 5% Commission,you're earning 30-some bucks on this camera equipment. Now, if any of you arefamiliar with the mega YouTuber Casey Neistat, the way make Casey Neistatmade most of his first money when he was YouTubing was actually through affiliatemarketing for cameras on Amazon. He put all of the links to his recommendedcamera equipment, his drones, his tripod, his gorilla arm stuff. All that stuff. Allof his lenses as affiliate links on his YouTube channel. And that's how he made alot of money. Because when he began, the reason people were following Casey Neistat was because he was amazing at videography. The videos he do that hedoes or still does are absolutely beautiful. And he's really good with hisequipment and editing and all that stuff. So, that's why people followed him in thebeginning and that's how he made money. Other things you can sell from highticket items on Amazon include stuff like vacuum cleaners. If we look atvacuum cleaners, I mean this is hundreds of dollars. But you can find vacuumcleaners for thousands of dollars and let me show you an example. If we look atbest vacuum cleaners which I just did a search of here, we'll see there's topfive vacuums. The first result is an ADD top five vacuums of 2019, vacuum buyer'sguide.
Best reviews. And it takes us to this site and we see there's a Dysonvacuum, a Hoover vacuum, a shark vacuum. And all of these you can't purchase Now, these are all affiliate links. And what this company is doing isthey are buying ad space. Maybe they're spending about a buck and they're hopingthat if you're looking for the best vacuum cleaner, you'll buy one of theseand they'll make let's say 30 bucks. Because you bought a vacuum cleanerthrough them and they made their affiliate commissions. So they spend abuck to make 30. Great idea. The one other instance where Amazon affiliatemarketing works is when you have insanely high volume.It can be of cheap items but let me do a search here in Google for best babydiapers for a newborn girl. A very reasonable search probably many peopledo everyday. Now, here we get 11 best diapers of 2019.Now, this is just an average blog, right? They don't actually sell anything,they're not going to profit from you. It's just a mom helping a mom, right? Well,maybe, maybe not. If we go to this site, the first thing we see is our editorsindependent, blah, blah, blah, blah. We may receive commissions on purchases madefrom our chosen links. And if we see here, there's 11 links from Amazon and guesswhat every link has? It has their affiliate ID, okay? Right there on everyone of these links is their affiliate ID. And what we can see is their affiliateID is very well family - 20. That's their affiliate ID. Amazon affiliate marketingin summary works in 2 cases. Either you're selling extremely expensiveproducts that are generally speaking over $1000 or at least over a couplehundred. Or in cases where you're doing massive volume. You have millions ofmother's looking on Google for the best baby diapers. And in this case, thisperson has just hundreds of links to Amazon on her site with all of the bestbaby stuff. Look Amazon link, Amazon link. We have Walmart affiliate link, okay? So,this person who's using a combination of Amazon and Walmart affiliate links. Soyou have crazy volume or you're doing selling stuff with crazy prices. Thoseare the cases where it works. Hope this was helpful. Ooh! I hope you learnedsomething from this video on whether if Amazon affiliate marketing works.
If youare looking for more profitable affiliate programs to join and be a partof, I suggest you subscribe to my channel and hit that notification icon. And whenyou subscribe, you'll be given instant access to a free affiliate marketingcourse on YouTube. Totally free that'll tell you more about what I do and howaffiliate marketing works. Also, I suggest you like this video if you got somevalue from it. And leave a comment of what you'd like to see me talk aboutnext in my next video. See you later.